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City Council Minutes 07/11/2002
      JULY 11, 2002
             5:00 P.M.

Mayor called meeting to order. Clerk called roll:  Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli present.


William Dobson, owner of 42 Lincoln Street
Sarah Baldwin, 40 Lincoln Street
Vivian Davis, 55 Osborne Street  - Her back yards is adjacent to the yard of this problem house.  She has found beer bottles in her swimming pool and suffered from the noise.

Suzanne Penird, 44 Lincoln Street
Amy Carver Dobson, 42 Lincoln Street
Gary Baldwin, 40 Lincoln Street
Betty Monroe, 4l Grover Street
Cornelia Wertman, 38 Lincoln Street
Councilor Dempsey asked about the number of days needed for a person to vacate a property after receiving an eviction notice.  

Mayor told the audience that the City Manager and Police Chief will work out some kind of surveillance, and for the neighbors to feel free to contact the Mayor
Vivian Davis asked how to form a Neighborhood Watch group.  Mayor told her to contact Police Department, and they would help her.  Mayor said  based on the people coming forward tonight, it appears they already have the start of a good Neighborhood Watch.

Debby Gleason, 172 South Hoopes Avenue
Corporation Counsel and the Mayor said such a list would probably raise
Constitutional issues.  The Neighborhood and Housing Task Force could probably look into, if the neighbors wanted to discuss it with this group.

Cathy Brooke Burns, 173 So. Hoopes Avenue
Elvin Maxwell, 170 So. Hoopes Avenue
Debby Gleason, 172 So. Hoopes Avenue

Debby Sowan, 169 South Hoopes
Dave LaMay, 156 So. Hoopes Avenue
The Mayor said Council was concerned with any and all problems neighborhoods were having, and that none were considered minor.  The Mayor said the City would look into the issue and try to come up with a solution.

Glen Carver, 5 Evans Street and screaming all times of the day and night.  It was his belief that the people on Lincoln Street, were paying the same tax rate as the people on Evans Street.  He said if the City was up in arms over a truck starting, they should really do something about the house on Lincoln Street.

Marie Phillips, 36 Lincoln Street
Public To Be Heard ended.

Clerk read announcements and communications.  Mayor said the Ordinance on the agenda was a first read only, and was pretty much boilerplate material.  By unanimous consent of Council only the Title, Section 1, Sections 13 thru 15 were read.

Councilor Hunter questioned the bid for this yearprogram could be underway earlier.


City Manager said that the topic of quality of neighborhoods fit right in with tonightthe owner.    The cost is $90 for first hour or faction thereof and $70 for second hour.  The Manager said the issue of trash and debris also had to be addressed.  Numerous times, before the grass can be cut, the City has to go in and clean up the lot.  The Manager felt this should also be charged, perhaps as a separate billing, to the property owners.  If the bill is unpaid, the billing amount is added to the tax bill.  Councilor Jacobs wondered if some standard should be set regarding grass and bush maintenance.  The City Manager replied this was already covered in the City Code.  The Manager said that grass should be no higher than 6 inches, and probably cut twice a month.  He said he really wanted to avoid those “wheat field” type cuttings.  Councilor Jacobs said he felt any machine damage should be the responsibility of the landlord.  Mayor asked about the responsibility for the yard between the sidewalk and curb, and could that right of way be charged back to owner if necessary for the City to cut.  Manager said the space between curb and sidewalk is the homeowner's
responsibility, but the City would cut it if necessary, and charge it back to the owner.  Council also discussed the regulation height of bushes at intersections, etc.  Councilor Hunter asked if homeowners could plant trees between sidewalk and curb.  Manager said that would require City permission, and the City already has a tree planting program in place.  Councilor Hunter asked if there wasn

Councilor Hunter requested the City to try and simplify its
Councilor Dempsey said the “free” parking at some meters was proving confusing to people.  He wondered if there was a way the meters could be marked “free parking” to ease this problem.


Status of collection bargaining; employment history of a particular person or persons; sale or lease of City property; (New Title) Financial history of a particular corporation.  Begin 6:50 PM; end 8:10 PM.

City Council adjourned at 8:15PM.